Pocitos I - Salta, Argentina

Pocitos I is a 100% owned 800-hectare lithium brine project located in the Salar de Pocitos, in the lithium-rich Puna region of northwestern Argentina. The basins in this area produce over 52% of the lithium brine resources in the World.

Project Summary

WSP Australia completed a 2023 NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate (“MRE”) which in combination with the neighbouring block “Pocitos 2” a 532 hectare block contained a lithium carbonate equivalent (“LCE”) inferred resource of 760,000 tonnes* lce. All of the drilling to date occurred on American Salars Pocitos 1 block however the mineral resource estimate will need to be updated to reflect what is contained on the Pocitos 1 Block.

The Puna plateau consists of elevated blocks separated by elongated endorheic (closed) basins, which are contain evaporite deposits. Surrounding mountain ranges have a meridian orientation and their shape responds to uplift in blocks through faults. The Pocitos and Pozuelos basins are separated from each other by the Cordón de Pozuelos. The Cordón de Pozuelos is made up mainly of rocks of Ordovician age, which show slight metamorphism. At the foot of the mountain ranges numerous coalescing alluvial fans can be seen.

The Puna area is bordered on the North by the massif of the Quevar Volcanic Complex (QVC). This is where composite volcanoes unite and form multiple volcanoes. Rounded forms are found, resistant to erosion and, in some areas, such as the Azufre volcano, landslide phenomena are observed. The sedimentary Tertiary deposits are distributed in small outcrops, and they show very low erosion resistance, so they do not form outstanding reliefs.

In the Salar de Pocitos, the main component of the evaporites is halite. The southern portion of the Pocitos salt flat contains accumulations lithium minerals combined with of sodium sulfate and gypsum, the middle region contains part sodium chloride predominates and towards the north manifestations of ulexite (hydrated sodium calcium borate hydroxide) are present. Current clastic deposits correspond to sediments of different origin according to their location with respect to positive reliefs and endorheic basins.

Above 4,500m asl there is evidence of the last glaciation, which is why moraine deposits are found. At lower altitudes, thermoclastism and cryoclastism have generated a large amount of colluvial material that covers the areas of positive relief.

On the slopes surrounding the salt flats, the rivers in the area have formed alluvial fans, most of which are non-functional today. Towards the lower areas, fine sediments predominate, forming the beach environments of the edges of saline bodies.

American Salars announced the 100% acquisition of the Pocitos 1 block on June 17th, 2024. See Press Release.

Cautionary Statement

The NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate (“MRE”)  includes resource assumptions from the Pocitos 2 block which American Salars Lithium Inc. has no ownership. The MRE is contained on the Pocitos 1 block (800 Ha) in combination with the neighbouring Pocitos 2 block (532 Ha). All of the drilling that makes up the basis of the MRE, on the combined Pocitos 1 and Pocitos 2 blocks, occurred on the Pocitos 1 block that is being acquired by American Salars. The MRE will be updated to reflect the proportional lithium resource on the Pocitos 1 block.


2022 Drilling

2018 Drilling

2018 Drilling

Project highlights