Salar De Pocitos – Salta, Argentina

The Pocitos Lithium Brine portfolio spans 13,880 hectares in the lithium-rich Puna region of northwestern Argentina. American Salars currently owns 100% of the 800-hecatre Pocitos 1 claim and has entered into a Letter of Intent Agreement to acquire up to 100% of the remaining Salar de Pocitos claims spanning 13,080 hectares. This region is a key player in the global lithium market, with its basins accounting for over 52% of the world’s lithium brine resources.

Project Summary

WSP Australia completed a 2023 NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate (“MRE”), which, in combination with Pocitos 1 and the neighboring Pocitos 2 block, identified an inferred lithium carbonate equivalent (“LCE”) resource of 760,000 tonnes. To date, all drilling has taken place on American Salars’ Pocitos 1 block.

American Salars entered into a Letter of Intent Agreement with an arm’s length vendor to acquire up to 100% of the Salar De Pocitos Project.

This acquisition includes 10 mineral tenements spanning approximately 13,080 hectares, which, when combined with the company’s existing 800-hectare Flagship Pocitos 1 project in Salta Province, Argentina, represents a 1,635% increase in property size.

This expansion brings American Salars’ total footprint on the Pocitos Salar to 13,880 hectares within the prolific Lithium Triangle. Upon completion of this transaction, American Salars will hold the second-largest property asset on the Salar de Pocitos, reinforcing its position in the lithium exploration sector.

The new Salar De Pocitos Project has been the subject of numerous exploration campaigns including drilling, surface sampling and geophysics. The next phase of work on this World Class Project’s development will be to compile data from all the combined Pocitos tenements to assess the required work to tie the existing drill holes together and update the Company’s NI 43-101 MRE.

The Puna plateau consists of elevated blocks separated by elongated endorheic (closed) basins, which are contain evaporite deposits. Surrounding mountain ranges have a meridian orientation and their shape responds to uplift in blocks through faults. The Pocitos and Pozuelos basins are separated from each other by the Cordón de Pozuelos. The Cordón de Pozuelos is made up mainly of rocks of Ordovician age, which show slight metamorphism. At the foot of the mountain ranges numerous coalescing alluvial fans can be seen.

Cautionary Statement

The NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate (“MRE”)  includes resource assumptions from the Pocitos 2 block which American Salars Lithium Inc. has no ownership. The MRE is contained on the Pocitos 1 block (800 Ha) in combination with the neighbouring Pocitos 2 block (532 Ha). All of the drilling that makes up the basis of the MRE, on the combined Pocitos 1 and Pocitos 2 blocks, occurred on the Pocitos 1 block that is being acquired by American Salars. The MRE will be updated to reflect the proportional lithium resource on the Pocitos 1 block.


2022 Drilling

2018 Drilling

2018 Drilling

Project highlights